sabato 2 marzo 2013

Spaghetti "carbonara" by agochef

INGREDIENTS (4 people)
400 g di spaghetti
4 fresh eggs
5 fresh tomatoes
250 g bacon
half an onion
italian grated cheese to taste
black pepper to taste
salt to taste
parsley to taste
italian olive oil to taste

To start dice the onion, fry with a little oil in a pan large enough (and then add the pasta when cooked), in the same pan, add the bacon and after a minute add the tomatoes cut into small cubes, add half a teaspoon of salt and half a glass of water and leave on low heat consume the sauce.
Meanwhile, boil a pot of water for pasta in a bowl and beat the 4 eggs with 3 tablespoons of cheese, a pinch of salt and black pepper to taste
After putting the pasta to cook, remove it al dente, drain and pour into the pan with the bacon, turn and mix the bacon, then pour the beaten eggs and turn it all in a pan over a low heat for a few seconds until the egg to dry slightly, then sprinkle some chopped parsley on the plate and serve hot.

Buon Appetito!!

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